perk-me-up game

need a break from the mundane work you are doing? need something to brighten your day? need something to wake up your brain cells? try this game then. It's bound to stimulate your brain cells. Works best with speakers on.


~Whitenomad said...

cooooooooool game , really brainy,
piece of advice: if u r using laptop please do not keep it in ur lap ...or you wont be able to cross all the stages........u need to concentrate alot,

kshern said...

ooo...that's a VERY important tip!

ikanrerama said...

man....i nearly died of "adrenaline rush"....tak guna btul la....huhuhu....

kshern said...

it works exactly like how it was advertised, no? :P

~Whitenomad said...

ya ya it works ,specially late nights u to sharpen ur mind

kshern said...

now can a game get you so uptight? :P