Got Stories Episode 001

Our very own podcast! Listen to this very amateurish production brought to you by kshern, kryptiq and finie.

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Episode 001 Show Notes
- why hanyir?
- no more aquaculture complex launching?
- upgrades at aquaculture complex
- open shed matters
- "shit"
- bloggers anonymity
- ice-cream for censorship
- bosses read this blog?!?
- multitasking
- blog reading habits
- leaking here, leaking there, leaking everywhere!
- own blogs
- display name pronunciation
- what "happened"?
- kad pintar
- finie can't attend wedding
- name please?

Intro and outro music provided by David Yoong.


floatin9lotus said...

i think i already gave u my comments in our i'll save it.

we'll see what the others have to say.

ikanrerama said...

i think episode 002 "got stories or not??" should be more shorter....i penat la wait for the ep.001 to finish....more than 5 minutes is it?

kshern said...

yeah, i'll email you back on that...actually it's out of my control... :(

5 minutes is too short la! play the intro and outro music plus the credits also 5mins already!

actually 15mins is just nice...but usually the popular podcasts are 30mins. some are even longer than an hour!

we see how la...if lots of crap, longer lo...less crap, shorter lo...join us next time and you will understand. :)

refr. said...

A good podcast!Hope to see and listen 002 soon, :-P

kshern said...

before we proceed to podcast episode 2, how abt the vidcast (video broadcasting) that you all promised? ;)