Crapology 101 Episode 003

I managed to salvage this episode featuring MoZF, ikanrerama, kryptiq and myself. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

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Crappy bits
- no prof emeritus today
- where's the ice-cream for censorship?!?
- how to pronounce mozf
- datin/mr rerama receives important phone call
- kryptiq says 'something'
- crapology 101 bugged! someone else recording!
- finie makes short but special appearance
- 'aircond' working very well with finie's appearance
- the post-doc story
- the fumehood story
- back to post-doc story
- shit lady taunts us with her discounted fees
- mozf runs off to pay her fees
- post-doc story yet again
- the tong-hua resident story
- datin always wrong about animals
- datin merajuk
- back to the fumehood story
- datin gets distracted

From now on, there will be hidden messages after each continue listening even after the episode is done!

Intro and outro music provided by David Yoong.

A Merry Little Christmas and a Smashing New Year to all of you!!!


floatin9lotus said...

erm...what to say?

well, good try with the editing. surely u must have had a really difficult time!

hope that episode 4 will redeem this slack...hehehe...u want 'the' photo or not? or it will "shake" your story...? ;)

kshern said...

i sure had a difficult time editing this one! *phew*

no need your photo for episode 4...cos your 'evidence' doesn't show the real colour...not good camera. only samsung and sony ericsson cameraphones allowed. ;)

ikanrerama said... the end u inserted my i-can't-reach-the-aircond-bcoz-my-hands's-so-short ke??? famous short limbs will now be infamous in the whole world...kuangkuangkuang... =P

kshern said...

hahahaha...i myself can't remember how the episodes pan out now... :P

floatin9lotus said...

oh...kshern don't allow sagem photos? fine...

i'll kidnap your phone one day and get the evidence needed. hold on tight to your samsung, boy, hold on tight...