Crapology 101 Episode 002

A very good episode very much due to our very own Prof Emeritus "Shit Lady" chepah! Also featuring kryptiq and kshern. Enjoy...

P/S Lots of shit talk...please refrain from eating while listening...

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Crappy bits
- the golden shoe story (see picture)
- amdist-kshern duel
- this technology called umbrella
- chepah in hyper mode
- night_shift/me/you
- kentut....cirit.....
- sampah fitnah!
- toilet picture
- pee on wall
- amdist confused with sexuality
- chronicles of the jamban
- shit taste like prawn?
- longkang fish
- pirate pillages all
- introducing "shit lady"
- new podcast name
- phone calls
- "mai bulan"
- "beeper"
- Datin's complaint

Intro and outro music provided by David Yoong.


ikanrerama said...

apela....complaint about me complaining is it???chis.....
by d way,i want to nominate new opening n ending song....the chicken little song a.k.a numa numa song...hehehe.....

kshern said...

cannot...kena sue! it's copyrighted material...

MoZF said...

i wanna complaint!!! itu kryptic ar talk very tot(sensor) soft lar....haizt...very hard to listern lah....nx time can put the mic nearer to her or not? if still cant hear her then no choice....kryptic, u have to eat the mic...hahaha...=)

MK said...

yeah.....i will force u to walk the plank next time if u talk soft soft again......kryptic! Really cant hear u laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ikanrerama said...

really meh?isk...isk...i'm thinking of happy songs to accompany all the craps u all talked...hehe....
when wanna make crap podcast wif more talkers??though have 2 agree wif itu MoZF n pirate....kryptiq talk so damn time have to put her mouth next to the mike (or is it the other way round?)harhar....

kshern said...

i had a test recording first and she was loud enough but how to know...she went softer and softer... :P

i think she has to hold the recorder from now on. hopefully this way she will know how to make herself sound louder....hahahaha!

dear datin rerama....that day ask you come join tak mahu! :P

floatin9lotus said...

i beg forgiveness from all the dato and datins who cannot hear my voice. next time i sit very very near the mic, ok?

sorry ha...?

shern,looks like the intro still not accepted.should we take the next recording to the loo? *flush* ;) shit lady might be happy...

kshern said...

means have to make appointment that the recording every week will happen on which day and what time liao lo...

you can also ask david to provide the songs that you like... ;)

ikanrerama said...

i very busy la dat day u rna extraction to do....ok time y'all wanna talk crap again tell me earlier ya?so i can clear my schedule n make time to talk crap wif y'all.....harhar....

kshern said...

ooooppss....sorry, i forgot that must make appointment with the datin first one! ;) next time will not make the same mistake.