18 Tricks to Teach Your Body

Men's Health has come up with 18 body hacks that can help you.

  1. If your throat tickles, scratch your ear!
  2. Experience supersonic hearing!
  3. Overcome your most primal urge!
  4. Feel no pain!
  5. Clear your stuffed nose!
  6. Fight fire without water!
  7. Cure your toothache without opening your mouth!
  8. Make burns disappear!
  9. Stop the world from spinning!
  10. Unstitch your side!
  11. Stanch blood with a single finger!
  12. Make your heart stand still!
  13. Thaw your brain!
  14. Prevent near-sightedness!
  15. Wake the dead!
  16. Impress your friends!
  17. Breathe underwater!
  18. Read minds!
Want to know how? Continue reading here.