
Woohoo! This blog has finally been freed from the shackles of Blogger's faulty splog detection algorithm that forced users to go through a very annoying captcha word verification process. Feels great indeed! Time to release the wild beast that has been lurking in this blog all this while and party! Booyah!!!


ikanrerama said... no need to bang ur head at the monitor trying to figure out wat the twisted alphabets supposed to be....

kshern said...

more often than not...i always get it wrong... :P

floatin9lotus said...

it feels like those words are more for an eye or iq test or some crap like that...annoying trying to figure them out...

but none anymore,yay! (well, not as much as before anyways!) :)

kshern said...

no more for fishy blog...cos comments here don't require you do figure out those squiggly words... :P