Bad Karma Hypothesis

I was having a bit trouble with my,i turn to google hoping i can find some's one highly "informative" website that really helped me.

...."PCR trouble shooting, help, suggestions and advice

If your PCR amplification somehow performs unexpectedly, it is usually caused by one of the listed possible errors - ranked by frequency.

Be patient and follow a standard scheme when setting up your reactions.
Avoid short-cuts, and be sure to always wear protective gloves (protects your DNA from degrading DNases and foreign DNA).

Hypotheses in order of frequency:

A. Pilot error hypothesis
B. Template dilution hypothesis
C. Temperature errors hypothesis
D. Unique template hypothesis
E. Buffer problems hypothesis
F. Bad dNTPs hypothesis
G. Bad primers hypothesis
H. Bad enzyme hypothesis

I. Bad karma hypothesis

This is basically the "God is punishing you" hypothesis. It sometimes gains a great deal of favor.

- i) All rational explanations have been exhausted and yet PCR still is not working for you.
- ii) Persistent feelings of guilt (if you are a Catholic, this symptom could be misleading).

Tests and solutions:
- i) Try bungee jumping. If you survive, God must not be too hacked-off at you.
- ii) Atone for your sins and start over at the top of the flow chart. ".......

Final verdict for me: BAD KARMA....

Here's to you...

~Thank u~

just want to thank MoZF, pirate and ikanrerama who took the time and effort to make my sampling a success yesterday! really appreciate all of your help and hardwork. couldn't have done it without u!

cheers to u, my dear friends.


I've done a makeover for this site (yes, again! :P) so that it will be more pleasing to the eyes (not that it is hurting many eyes at the current readership :P). Black was a little too gothic and gory at times, IMHO. Also, it was getting way too dull although we had the consolation of seeing our cartoon little selves at the top banner if we did get bored.

The sidebar has been cleared of clutter too, keeping this simple and easy to navigate through the site. No more "Email To" functions for those who are paranoid. ;) They say green is good for the eyes and calming the nerves but I think blue helps us to destress better (which we need more than anything!) and represents us very well (we do work with fish, no?).

So, introducing a more simplified and eye-candied look for this site. Hope you like it.

Oh by the's called Nautica. :)

1st USM-Penang International PostGrad Convention

heard that some of you will present their research in this event...selamat berjaya!!!
more info :

Vitamin E: A Potent Cancer Killer

We've always known that Vitamin E contains antioxidant and also anti-cancer properties but mostly the latter being at most speculative except for some minor breakthroughs. That however is about to change. Recently, Researchers at Ohio State University has proven in laboratory tests that by altering a derivative of Vitamin E, it improved its ability of killing cancer cells by up to 10 times! Ohio State Research News has more on this magnificient breakthrough:

COLUMBUS , Ohio - Researchers here have learned how a derivative of vitamin E causes the death of cancer cells. The researchers then used that knowledge to make the agent an even more potent cancer killer.

The compound, called vitamin E succinate, or alpha tocopheryl succinate, is taken by some people as a nutritional supplement, mainly for its antioxidant properties. In addition, it has a weak ability to kill cancer cells, and it has been tested as a cancer chemopreventive agent.

The substance kills cancer cells by causing them to undergo a natural process known as programmed cell death, or apoptosis. Until now, no one knew how the agent caused this to happen. [...]

Another Numa-numa Vid

Remember the Numa-numa clip featuring MMU students? The very same Numa-numa phenomenon that was used to sell the movie Chicken Little? Well, looks like Nikewomen was not spared from this craze...

Is that cool or what? Didn't think there was anything special about that? Wondered what was the "voyeurish" guy doing standing there on the left? Well, visit Nikewomen and under 02. The Moves, select Rockstar Workout. Watch the videos and you'll see the truth behind the video above. Pure genius!!!

By the way, where's the Lab 407 version?!? ;)

Oh, and may I add....SOS, please someone help me!!! Is she hot or what? HANGAT!!! I guess Beyonce now have to share the space in my heart with someone else.... ;)


today's the first time i witnessed first hand how a catfish was killed. i've read the term 'killed by blow to the head' many times in journals...but i have never ever seen it before and i have never given it much thought either.

it did shock and scare me seeing the fish being knocked on the head with a hammer. but i guess it's quite normal to some of u guys! ;)

New Findings About Lactic Acid

Looks like what we've been taught about lactic acid all these while has been wrong. Just shows you how science is not definite and changes with time. The major findings we discover today may just be debunked by some other breakthrough findings tomorrow. From the New York Times:

Everyone who has even thought about exercising has heard the warnings about lactic acid. It builds up in your muscles. It is what makes your muscles burn. Its buildup is what makes your muscles tire and give out. [...]

The notion that lactic acid was bad took hold more than a century ago, said George A. Brooks, a professor in the department of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley. It stuck because it seemed to make so much sense.

"It's one of the classic mistakes in the history of science," Dr. Brooks said. [...]

going once, going twice. sold.

looks like we are saying goodbye to a number of people lately :(
i hate goodbyes. things won't be the same anymore.
to those who are moving on to a new phase in their lives, i wanna wish u all the best...remember to come visit us if u have the time...

who's going, going, gone?
chepah, helleri, amdist, emi...anyone else joining them? :(

even though we won't be seeing each other, our friendship still will remain. cheers to all of ya.

a special dedication to my benchmate: we will be losing the best technician/joker/F1 driver/champion eater/pipe fixer/hole driller/heavy weight lifter/rubbish talker/dear friend/orang gila...looks like i have to put up an ad to ask someone to fill in your position(s). where am i going to find a champion like u? who's going to finish up my maggi mee and french fries during lunch? boohoo...i feel very depressed already... :(

(but if we lose him, would we gain back some peace and quiet in our lab? hmm...i doubt it. MoZF's still around...!)

Happy Birthday Vani!!!

Many happy returns of the day! We know you've been through a lot this pass year but remember that your friends are always here for you.

Glad to have u as an addition into our crazy gang...!
Cheers and wonderful wishes to fill your day.

Happy birthday! :)