yikes, watch out!!!

please be careful when u guys are in the fish house. seems that the diversity of visitors are increasing in our area. this cobra was caught by someone (HE is too shy to be named). he (...*cough...pirate...cough*...ahem...) doesn't want all the fame and glory. afraid that u guys might ask him to capture all the snakes around the fish house...

anyways, we called in on of our friends (something like spca) to bring this little guy away.

just be cautious, especially if u intend on walking near the grass/drain looking for lost car keys etc.


kshern said...

wa....don't play play....how big and long is it?!?

floatin9lotus said...

i'm not very good at estimations. perhaps 2 feet long? someone please correct me if i am wrong.

so please watch your steps aroud the fish house, it's a jungle out there...

ikanrerama said...

yeah...mebbe there's not only snakes and biawaks..mebbe there's a dinosaur lurking behind the big tongs at the open shed...or,or an anaconda inside the earthen pond....

kshern said...

hmmm...i wonder whose stomach has it ended up in by now.... :P

it really has become a zoo at the fish house ler...