In memory of Rockey

"Here lies Rockey:
Son, brother and friend.
He will be missed by all who loved and knew him."

Rockey*, may your soul rest in peace.

*Rockey was a teensy baby rat...the cutest. A pest, some said. So he had to breathe his last. it was to be. he was laid to rest in the fish house grounds...even found him a nice tomb stone... :(


ikanrerama said...

have to confess...some of rockey's blood is in my hands.

at 1st i dun wan anything to do wif the killing but since i saw the "executioner" was sloppy in his work, i can't stand aside and let rockey dying a slow death.better get over it ASAP.kan?kan?

rockey...forgive's for d best...huhuhu...

floatin9lotus said...

blood on the dance floor...

sorry, don't know what else to say.