Blackjack Data Repository

Blackjack Data Repository is a strategy and rules guide to playing blackjack online. In addition to this, they offer reviews of reputable online casinos that offer fair odds for playing blackjack. Most of the blackjack casinos listed have been around for many years. All of the online casinos have been played at and approved by the team at Blackjack Data Repository.

Blackjack Data Repository has developed an easy guide to picking safe online casinos to gamble with on the Internet. There are only five steps to follow and you are ready to embark on your online casino playing experience.

Blackjack Data Repository also compiles a list of blackjack calculators which provides you services like calculating the percentage of hands played at each count, calculate your hourly win rate given rules, strategy, bet spread and bankroll and many others.

Blackjack Data Repository also provide tables and charts services for various situations which they will instantly calculate for you on the site itself. Statistics always helps and this site definitely have very useful statistics for your use.

There is just so much information you can get from a paid review. So it is advisable for you to visit the site and see what they have to offer yourself.