tiger tails

yesterday's news paper headlines made me really upset!
they found a tiger butchered into 4 pieces and stuffed into a fridge.You can read the whole article by clicking here.

i know it is in some people's culture to eat or use parts of wild animals...but i still feel really sad that they are being so selfish. i've read somewhere that they claim that some wild animal parts eaten can act as an aphrodisiac...how selfish is that? the endangered animal was hunted down and killed so that they can have a moment of pleasure?? no way! i thought there are plants like 'tongkat ali' which claims to have aphrodisiac properties too. why don't they go munch on them roots?

sorry for the outburst, but this issue really bothers me. do we really need snake skin wallets? or turtle shell jewellery? or gator boots? tiger skin deco? elephant tusks? i just hope that the future generations will realize that the wild life should be protected...and not end up in soup bowls.

Check out ACAP web page


kshern said...

actually...there's no scientific proof that the tiger's weener contains any aphrodisiac properties! Read more here.

it's all in the head....and the only way we can change all these is through changing the mindset of these ppl.

A shame isn't it?

floatin9lotus said...

thanks for the info dear!
now, if we could only convince the millions of people who consume/utilize these kinds of products worldwide...

yes, it's a terrible shame. i hope that eventually the mind sets will change.

ikanrerama said...

Jahatnya.....and to think dat the tiger population in malaysia is endangered...we should consider heavier penalties for those poachers....

p/s:kryptiq bebeh...i still cannot stop eating tuna sandwich and KFCs...hehehe.... (^_^)

~Whitenomad said...

i agree with you, i am always against animal killing it is just cruelity and nothing can justify this act,how can any one decorate his house or himself by animal body parts .just think how will it look if we start wearing human skin coat or decorate our drawing room with human bone and skulls. those who enjoy such things are mentaly sick ,in my openion.
we should do whatever we can in our own small way to save animals.They are as alive as we r , and breathing the same air as we do.

floatin9lotus said...

exactly, chepah, exactly...!

it's totally up to the consumers...whatever rules, law there may be, it will be bent and broken. no one cares what laws there are. heck! it only can be stopped when there's no demand for such products.

MoZF said...

very kesian lah.....they are such a cute animal....though they bite sometimes.....but we should protect them...just imagine, 1day ur children come and ask u 'how's a tiger looks like?' u can't show them coz they aren't there anymore.....why ppl out there just can't get it??