Secret to a long life - get even more often!!!

Want to live longer? Want a healthier life? How do you achieve them? Be nasty!!!

Taken from The Sydney Morning Herald:

People who smile a lot and say "have a nice day" are headed to an early grave while the grumpy stay fit.

Researchers at a German university - a land where surliness is an Olympic discipline -say enforced jolliness on the job is much more likely to make people fall ill.

They cite flight attendants, sales personnel, call centre operators, waiters and others in contact with the public for extended periods of time as being at risk of seriously harming their health.

Psychologists at Frankfurt University said the fake friendliness led to depression, stress and a lowering of the immune system itself, which in turn can trigger more serious ailments.

"Every time a person is forced to repress his true feelings there are negative consequences for his health," said Professor Dieter Zapf, a researcher into human emotions.
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floatin9lotus said...

how about LAZY people? do they live longer? hmmm...?


kshern said...

well, if you consider this as enough proof for that argument. ;)