Can You See It?

If you can see it, just post a comment below on what you saw cos I can never see these things, moving or not moving, animated or still. I'm hopeless with these things. My eyes are already aching and I'm having a headache after looking at it.


floatin9lotus said...

my eyes also already zonked out...

what are they supposed to be? sharks line dancing? it's moving which makes it even more difficult :)

kshern said...

It's suppose to be an Animated Autostereogram featuring a swimming shark. I kinda see a lot of sharks in the image but aren't we suppose to see only one and it moving (animated)?

ikanrerama said...

dunno lah.....sometimes like can see...but then like cannot...
then i thot i can see the so-called shark image u all said...but the shark looks like it's sprawled on a kaiten belt and moving at 10000 rpm per sec.
ahaha...the conclusion is: i cannot see lah... :P

Anonymous said...

It is indeed a swimming shark. Very nice thanks!