Futures in Biotech

I would just like to introduce to you all a recently launched podcast called Futures in Biotech. I've not heard it yet as it is still being downloaded but I think it will be something that would interest this group of bloggers, no? Well, at least a certain few who are mainly involved in this field but we are all scientists, right? That should be enough for us to be interested at least a teeny-weeny bit, right? Anyway, if you are interested, you can download/subscribe it through iTunes or directly download the audio file (or in the case of this blog, you can click on the green play button on the left and listen right off this blog!). New episodes are released every Wednesday (Thursday here though). It's free, you don't need to pay to listen to it. When I say subscribe through iTunes, I meant asking iTunes to manage the downloading of new episodes for you every week.

In this episode, Dr. Susan Lindquist is the guest speaker. From TWIT.tv:

Dr. Susan Lindquist is a Member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Sciences at MIT. Her discoveries in protein folding have lead to paradigm shifts in modern genetics and medicine, including how a protein called HSP90 acts as a capacitor modulate evolution, a process that can even be addressed pharmacologically and possibly used as a strategy in some forms of cancer. Her work also contributes to both our understanding of several protein folding diseases such as Parkinson's and Huntington's and seeks to tackle them head on. Lastly, we discussed her discovery on how to transform yeast prions (similar to the misfolded proteins linked to mad cow disease) into nanowires as used in nanotechnology.


floatin9lotus said...

looks like our blog layout is back to its pretty self! :)

a biotech podcast sounds interesting...maybe there may be some answers as to why our pcr screws up and protein buffers go bad...

kshern said...

i listened to it in the lab just now when i was running my analysis. frankly speaking, it was quite a bore but i will still give the upcoming episodes a try.