Building A Custom Chopper Frame

If you're one of those who find Discovery Real Time shows such as Biker Build-off and Chopper Is Born interesting, you will definitely want to give Custom Choppers Guide a look at.

On this site you can find many resources and one interesting article that stands out is about building a custom chopper frame which will reveal to you nine common chopper frame building problems and how to avoid them.

In this free mini course, you have access to videos and resources that you will find useful in your motorcycle frame building process. The course is not only for novice motorcycle builders and metal workers. Veterans will find the contents useful too and will save you enormous amount of time and money preparing and working on your custom motorcycle frames.

All you need to provide is your email address and name. Once you've submitted the required information, you will be brought to a page displaying a free five minute video. It is a snippet from the Building A Chopper Chassis DVD by Ron Covell which you can purchase from their website. Ron Covell has made a name for himself with some instructional videos on metal works so you know this stuff is good. They will send you quality information related to metalworking and custom bike building to the email you provided.

What you will learn about the mini course is definitely more than what is written in this paid review so jump on over to Custom Choppers Guide now and enrol in their free mini course!