Crazy Bosses Quiz

Always have something good (and bad) to say about your boss? Sometimes you think they are just a little crazy? Confirm your suspicions with this Crazy Bosses Quiz.

Just answer 10 questions and you'll know if your boss is a real psychopath or you can rest easy knowing there are other bosses much worse than yours. ;)


MK said...

uncle KS arrr.....does this quiz apply to our bosses? it seems more for those bosses in business firms. find us better quiz =.=

kshern said...

i think it's very much applicable to us too. the other side of 307 will attest to that.

maybe you'll just have to tweak the answers a bit to show relevance to your situation. then you'll see the quiz works for us too.

and that's my muka lima sen you're using there! it's copyrighted material! :P

MK said...

How bout these? -.- or @.@

floatin9lotus said...

what are u gonna name your new looks, pirate?
need help naming them? i love giving names...