Happy Birthday Vani!!!

Many happy returns of the day! We know you've been through a lot this pass year but remember that your friends are always here for you.

Glad to have u as an addition into our crazy gang...!
Cheers and wonderful wishes to fill your day.

Happy birthday! :)


kshern said...

happy bday to you!!!

so, did you celebrate it exactly on 01.02.03 04/05/06? :P

all the best to you....

~Whitenomad said...

thanks ,I know u all are always there for me .....thanks kshern ,ya i think some one wished me exactly at 01.02.03 04/05/06,
for all others thanks again and keep on being gila as always :)

ikanrerama said...

happy birthday patti!!!

floatin9lotus said...

she used all her punctuations this time! i am impressed, vani ;)
looks like your birthday has caused u to mature and use punctuation marks..hahaha.

cheers babe, sorry we didn't have any time, mood, energy for a celebration...maybe tomorrow if the sun shines brighter we'll have a big lunch, eh? :)