the damn celaka guy.
i am so proud of myself that i kept my cool...and didn't scold him (or rip his ears out off his blinking skull).
what did he do?
1. he tortures 4 zebrafish - by keeping them in the lab, in a teensy container (those choclair kind of container...dunno if u can understand...). it's been a few weeks already.
2. he put ICE into their water today. and just let them be while he does his experiments.
damn jerk. he made the water so cold the fish stopped swimming properly. they had sunken down to the bottom. and he didn't even give a wink when rerama made some sound regarding the fish condition.
couldn't take it anymore, i just went to his blardy container and started to pour out the icy cold water and replace it with new water slowly. in the end they seemed to have regained their usual prowess.
but i am still happy that i didn't make things ugly by saying anything. haha. i am trying to be patient...BUT if he goes on doing this, i am going to panggang his behind and feed it to the haruan.
Labels: Crapology
Researchers at Oregon State University claims global warming will reduce ocean productivity and marine life in a recent study published in Nature.
A 10-year, satellite-based analysis has shown for the first time that primary biological productivity in the oceans - the growth of phytoplankton that forms the basis for the rest of the marine food chain - is tightly linked to climate change, and would be reduced by global warming.
The study, published this week in the journal Nature by researchers from Oregon State University and five other institutions, found that on a global scale, a warmer climate could cause a rapid, overall reduction in marine life.
An earlier related article can be read here.
Labels: Science
Some people will do all sorts of crazy things with their body. Here's a guide if you are interested in turning your pee blue.
We've all dreamed of it - who wouldn't want to have bright blue urine? Alright, I admit some people might be appalled at this strange activity, but many will find it interesting.
No, you don't have to contract Syphilis to get blue urine. The method presented here is quite harmless.
Follow guide here.
Labels: Science
DISCOVER presents the essential reading list for anyone interested in science.
Top 10 includes works by Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Aristotle and Albert Einsten.
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking, dubbed the most widely unread best seller of all time, didn't even make the list - only receiving an honourable mention.
View the full list here.
Labels: Science
There will be virtually nothing left to fish from the seas by the middle of the century if current trends continue, according to a major scientific study.
Stocks have collapsed in nearly one-third of sea fisheries, and the rate of decline is accelerating.
Writing in the journal Science, the international team of researchers says fishery decline is closely tied to a broader loss of marine biodiversity.
But a greater use of protected areas could safeguard existing stocks.
Read more here.
Labels: Science
this is to wish a HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to hellerii and MoZF.
muahaha....dah tua dah....(O_o)
Labels: Crapology
Sometimes a job calls for a little dirty work, but when your job is in science, the dirty part can become increasingly literal.
Since 2003, Popular Science magazine has released an annual report detailing the "Worst Jobs in Science." Among the psychologically demanding and dangerous elements of some of these jobs, these scientists must also be willing to get to the nitty gritty, even if it means going where no man or woman has gone before (or would want to).
Whether they are sifting through reeking mud banks to find cures for contamination, or sorting stool samples to get to the bottom of our bathroom dilemmas, these are some of the science jobs that sacrifice their time, energy and comfort for the greater global good.
If you're a science enthusiast looking for a job and not afraid to get a little dirty, or just looking for a reason to appreciate your work a little more, here are 10 of some of the dirtiest jobs in science.
Labels: Science
A little tired of lab work?
Washed out with tank cleaning at the fish house?
Blurry eyed reading journals?
Take a break...
Come over and play Bejewelled right on the main page of this blog!
Labels: Crapology
For the 10th anniversary of The End of Science I wanted to address these new objections. What I find is that the limits of scientific inquiry are more visible than ever. My goal, now as then, is not to demean valuable ongoing research but to challenge excessive faith in scientific progress. Scientists pursuing truth need a certain degree of faith in the ultimate knowability of the world; without it, they would not have come so far so fast. But those who deny any evidence that challenges their faith violate the scientific spirit. They also play into the hands of those who claim that "science itself is merely another kind of religion," as physicist Lawrence Krauss of Case Western Reserve University warns.
Are we researchers done for? Are our research considered useless? Read the full article here and have your say at the comments section below.
Labels: Science
hi friends, there's a new numa-numa video going round. don't know if u have seen it on the link and click on 'watch this movie'.
i find the older version more catchy compared to this though...and i like the malaysian version posted here sometime back...hehe...
Labels: Videos
steve irwin's really gone this time.
it is rather shocking to hear that he has really passed away because i've heard this sort of news before and after checking, to find out that it was a hoax.
well, i guess that's the circle of day we all must go too.
may his work be carried on. he managed to give a voice to the animals.
(i just hope there aren't any other people who will go round yanking crocodiles' tails and pissing off tasmanian devils and the likes...)
Labels: Crapology
LONG suffering parents of adolescents might not agree, but scientists claim that listening to rock music can boost your brain power.
Researchers at a Scottish university believe that the sound of guitar-based rock such as Jimi Hendrix, AC/DC and the Red Hot Chili Peppers improves concentration and boosts memory.
Contrary to received wisdom, children who listen to loud rock or pop music while swotting for exams are probably improving their chances of success.
The finding follows claims that listening to classical music, particularly Mozart, can improve performance in cognitive tests.
Read more here.
Labels: Self Improvement
A balanced diet is the key to a happier, healthier life, so the mantra goes.
Experts advise us to eat more fruit and veg; boost protein and fibre intake; make sure we get the optimum levels of vitamins and minerals.
But what actually happens to these nutrients once they are inside the body?
Food scientists, working in an area called bioavailability, are trying to answer this question in a bid to discover how people can get the very best out of what they eat.
Toni Steer, a nutritionist at the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Research Centre in Cambridgeshire, said: "The idea that we absorb everything we eat just isn't true.
"While you may have a certain amount of a nutrient within a food, what is actually absorbed may be less.
"Bioavailabity means how much of that nutrient within a food is usefully absorbed."
But, she says, bioavailability is not set in stone, and researchers are working to find ways of manipulating the levels of nutrients that can be absorbed by the body.
"If people are meeting dietary requirements, all of the nutrients they need are probably being absorbed.
"But for people who suffer vitamin or mineral deficiencies, or for those in developing countries where nutrition is poor, research into bioavailability can be very useful."
Read more here.
Labels: Self Improvement
Getting published in the illustrious British scientific journal Nature is, frankly, a bitch. It's not just the years you spend designing the perfect experiment, or the hustling for grant money to collect the data. It's not even the long nights of trying to figure out how to express all that work elegantly in the cold language of scientific communication. No – the real trick is getting the editors at Nature to like it.
But that's still just the beginning: Those editors pick three or so relevant experts – from a list Nature requires you to submit – to anonymously assess your work's technical accuracy and overall merit. Those experts bounce it back to the editors, who add their own comments and send it to you asking for more work. If you decide it's worth the time and effort, you do it. And revise. And send it back to the reviewers. In the end, if everyone's satisfied, the article runs. If not, you submit it to another journal, one tier down, and do it all again. The process takes about four months.
That rigmarole is called peer review. Almost every journal does it, from marquee pubs like Nature to highly specialized periodicals like International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. (No offense to IJCRE – you guys are a helluva read.) When it works, it's genius – quality control that ensures the best papers get into the appropriate pages, lubricating communication and debate. It's the quiet soul of the scientific method: After forming hypotheses, collecting data, and crunching numbers, you report the results to learned colleagues and ask, "What do you folks think?"
But science is done by humans, and humans occasionally screw up. They plagiarize, fake data, take incorrect readings. And when they do? Oy! Somebody always blames peer review. The process is lousy at policing research. Bad papers get published, and work that's merely competent (boring) or wildly speculative (maverick) often gets rejected, enforcing a plodding conservatism. It seems silly to say this about a system that's been in development since the mid-1700s, but the whole thing seems kind of antiquated. "Peer review was brilliant when distribution was a problem and you had to be selective about what you could publish," says Chris Surridge, managing editor of the online interdisciplinary journal PLoS ONE. But the Web has remapped the universe of scientific publishing – and as a result, peer review may finally get fixed.
Read how peer review finally gets fixed here.
Labels: Science
Remarkable physiology allows crucian carp to survive months without oxygen
Posted by kshern at 19:51Cooling water temperature during the fall prompts the crucian carp to store vast amounts of glycogen in its brain to keep the brain functioning and healthy from February to April, when there is no oxygen left in the ponds, a new study finds.
The study from Finland found that the amount of glycogen in the brain was at its peak in February, when the pond becomes nearly depleted of oxygen (anoxic). Glycogen, an energy supply that the carp brain uses to survive anoxia, was 15 times higher in February, compared to brain glycogen content in July, when oxygen in the pond is at its peak.
At the same time, the carp brain's sodium-potassium pump activity, a measure of energy demand, decreased 10-fold to its low point between February and April, said the study's lead author, Vesa Paajanen. Taken together, these findings indicate the carp extends the amount of time it can survive without oxygen in frigid water by 150-fold. Further, the study found that it was the dropping water temperature that sets these physiological changes into motion.
Read more here.
Labels: Science
please be careful when u guys are in the fish house. seems that the diversity of visitors are increasing in our area. this cobra was caught by someone (HE is too shy to be named). he (...*cough...pirate...cough*...ahem...) doesn't want all the fame and glory. afraid that u guys might ask him to capture all the snakes around the fish house...
anyways, we called in on of our friends (something like spca) to bring this little guy away.
just be cautious, especially if u intend on walking near the grass/drain looking for lost car keys etc.
Labels: Crapology
Just for laughs... :P
It has long been known...
I didn't look up the original reference.
A definite trend is evident...
These data are practically meaningless.
Of great theoretical and practical importance...
Interesting to me.
Read more here.
Labels: Science
look what the strong winds did today...i'm glad i wasn't anywhere outside.
i took this picture on the way home this evening. the huge tree outside the bumiputra commerce bank was uprooted and landed on 3 cars. ouch! i do hope that no one was injured!
please be careful where u park next time my dear friends...
sorry for the bad quality photo...i was on a motor bike and yes, my camera phone is lousy...
Labels: Crapology
A heads-up particularly for those with fishy business at the fish house:
PENANG: Water supply in 22 areas involving some 85,000 people will be disrupted for 12 hours from 7am on July 16.
Penang Water Supply Corporation Berhad (PBAPP) development manager Jaseni Maidinsa said the supply interruption was to facilitate important water works projects, like connecting new mains to existing ones in Jalan Thomas Bukit Dumbar and Bukit Dumbar Reservoir No 3.
"We are also doing electrical and mechanical maintenance work at the Bukit Dumbar Pumping Station as well as diverting a 900mm main beside Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM) office in Batu Uban," he added.
It is also to facilitate works to connect twin submarine pipelines to Pulau Jerejak to an existing main at the Bayan Baru Expressway and new raw water mains to an existing main at Sungai Dua Water Treatment Plant in Seberang Prai.
He said announcements would be made through the media and radio.
"We have also printed pamphlets for distribution in markets, night markets and hawker centres," he said.
Jaseni said the last water interruption that affected the whole state was in 2003.
He added that those who needed water distribution for funerals could call PBAPP's 24-hour hotline (04-5096509) a day in advance.
The places to be affected are Batu Maung, Batu Uban, Bayan Baru, Bayan Lepas, Bukit Dumbar, Bukit Gambier, Bukit Gelugor, Bukit Jambul, Cangkat Minden, Gelugor, Gertak Sanggul, Island Glades, Island Park, Pantai Jerejak (including Pulau Jerejak), Permatang Damar Laut, Relau, Sungai Ara, Sungai Dua, Sungai Nibong, Taman Brown, Teluk Kumbar and USM.
Supply to other areas and the whole Seberang Prai will not be affected.
Let's hope the 12 hours water disruption will really not be more than that!
Labels: Crapology
"While we focus a great deal of attention on rising ocean temperatures and the bleaching incidents they cause in corals, we tend to overlook the other consequence of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide on our corals: decreases in ocean pH," Langdon said. "Carbon dioxide in the ocean is creating a growingly acidic environment for corals, and this acidity could ultimately cause our reefs to waste away."
Read more here.
Labels: Science
I've always said that the Government's venture into biodiesel (palm diesel) is the wrong way to go. Here's an article from The Washington Post:
Biofuels such as ethanol made from corn, sugar cane, switchgrass and other crops are being touted as a "green" solution for a large part of America's transportation problem. Auto manufacturers, Midwest corn farmers and politicians are excited about ethanol. Initially, we, too, were excited about biofuels: no net carbon dioxide emissions, reduction of oil imports. Who wouldn't be enthusiastic?
But as we've looked at biofuels more closely, we've concluded that they're not a practical long-term solution to our need for transport fuels. Even if all of the 300 million acres (500,000 square miles) of currently harvested U.S. cropland produced ethanol, it wouldn't supply all of the gasoline and diesel fuel we now burn for transport, and it would supply only about half of the needs for the year 2025. And the effects on land and agriculture would be devastating.
It's difficult to understand how advocates of biofuels can believe they are a real solution to kicking our oil addiction. Agriculture Department studies of ethanol production from corn -- the present U.S. process for ethanol fuel -- find that an acre of corn yields about 139 bushels. At an average of about 2.5 gallons per bushel, the acre then will yield about 350 gallons of ethanol. But the fuel value of ethanol is only about two-thirds that of gasoline -- 1.5 gallons of ethanol in the tank equals 1 gallon of gasoline in terms of energy output.Moreover, it takes a lot of input energy to produce ethanol: for fertilizer, harvesting, transport, corn processing, etc. After subtracting this input, the net positive energy available is less than half of the figure cited above. Some researchers even claim that the net energy of ethanol is actually negative when all inputs are included -- it takes more energy to make ethanol than one gets out of it.
But allowing a net positive energy output of 30,000 British thermal units (Btu) per gallon, it would still take four gallons of ethanol from corn to equal one gallon of gasoline. The United States has 73 million acres of corn cropland. At 350 gallons per acre, the entire U.S. corn crop would make 25.5 billion gallons, equivalent to about 6.3 billion gallons of gasoline. The United States consumes 170 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel annually. Thus the entire U.S. corn crop would supply only 3.7 percent of our auto and truck transport demands. Using the entire 300 million acres of U.S. cropland for corn-based ethanol production would meet about 15 percent of the demand.
It is argued that rather than using corn to make ethanol, we can use agricultural wastes. But the amounts are still a drop in the bucket. Using the crop residues (called corn stover) from corn production could provide about 10 billion gallons per year of ethanol, according to a recent study by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The net energy available would be greater than with ethanol from corn -- about 60,000 Btu per gallon, equivalent to a half-gallon of gasoline. Still, all of the U.S. corn wastes would produce only the equivalent of 5 billion gallons of gasoline. Another factor to be considered: Not plowing wastes back into the land hurts soil fertility.
Similar limitations and problems apply to growing any crop for biofuels, whether switchgrass, hybrid willow, hybrid poplar or whatever. Optimistically, assuming that switchgrass or some other crop could produce 1,000 gallons of ethanol per acre, over twice as much as we can get from corn plus stover, and that its net energy was 60,000 Btu per gallon, ethanol from 300 million acres of switchgrass still could not supply our present gasoline and diesel consumption, which is projected to double by 2025. The ethanol would meet less than half of our needs by that date.
Perhaps more important: The agricultural effects of such a large-scale program would be devastating.
Recently, there has been lots of excitement and media coverage about how Brazil produces ethanol for its automobile fuel and talk that America should follow its lead. But Brazil consumes only 10 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel annually, compared with America's 170 billion. There are almost 4 million miles of paved roads in America -- Brazil has 60,000. And Brazil is the leading producer of sugar cane -- more than 300 million tons annually -- so it has lots of agricultural waste to make ethanol.
Finally, considering projected population growth in the United States and the world, the humanitarian policy would be to maintain cropland for growing food -- not fuel. Every day more than 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes -- one child every five seconds. The situation will only get worse. It would be morally wrong to divert cropland needed for human food supply to powering automobiles. It would also deplete soil fertility and the long-term capability to maintain food production. We would destroy the farmland that our grandchildren and their grandchildren will need to live.
Labels: Science
An aquaculturist from Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental has developed a technology that extends a fish's survival without water while in transit for several hours by virtually putting it into a deep sleep or in "suspended animation."
Bonifacio Comandante, Jr., invented the technology by undergoing a conditioning process in which the fishes, or any marine species, are held overnight in filtered, circulated seawater at about 30-degrees Centigrade without feeding them.
The fishes are transferred afterward to another tank filled with brackish water initially kept at four-degrees Centigrade, then gradually allowed to reach 18 to 20 degrees Centigrade.
An anti-stress conditioning and acclimatizing then follows by adding a mixture of a liquid solution called Buhi Blend, developed by Comandante, to the conditioning tank, immersing the fishes into it for four minutes after which the "stunned" fishes are arranged in cooled (18 to 20 degrees C) Styropor boxes lined with plastic bags.
The bags are later filled with medical oxygen and sealed for transport. The fishes are expected to regain consciousness and return to life after about nine hours.
Read more about it here.
Labels: Science
Think you're the only person that can multitask? Think again. Your fishies in your tanks can do that too! Well, at least to some researchers at University of Padova in Italy. Who would think having a fish brain could actually mean a good thing! :P
A symmetrical face is often thought a sign of beauty, but symmetry may be a disadvantage when it comes to the brain. "Left-brained" or "right-brained" fish are more adept at handling multiple activities than fish with no hemispheric preference, according to a new study. Their ability to multitask could help explain why vertebrate brains evolved to function asymmetrically.
Scientists used to think that only humans had lateralized, or asymmetric, brains. We generally use the left side of our brain to interpret language and the right to appreciate music, for example. Recently, though, researchers have come to believe that lateralized brains are universal among vertebrates. Some think the condition may allow animals to focus on multiple stimuli at once, with each hemisphere dealing with particular cues.
Read more here.
Labels: Science
have you guys paid your fees yet?
i cannot access my student email inbox. this is the first time i am trying to do this online thingy...something seems to be wrong!
any tips or advice from you experienced people? i have tried a combination of my user ID, upper case and lower case etc...but they keep saying invalid user name or password. as far as i know, i haven't changed the password from what they gave in the letter...
Labels: Crapology
Labels: Science
Wait for your turn. Your research is important and so are others'. If you take just a bottle, at least that's not that bad but it's still wrong. When you drain someone else's container when it has been sitting there the whole day and already nearly full, you deserve to have your most intimate body parts (be it a guy or a girl, I couldn't care less) chopped off, grated, sliced, shreded, crushed in a blender, passed through the grinder machine, put in an oven to dry and go through the whole process once more. Others should not be punished for your incompetence at not being able to plan your research properly. You can just FUCK OFF for all I care because obviously, you don't deserve to be here in the first place.
P/S Just so you know, my curses have bore fruit all these while with really devastating effect, so yeah I'm serious.
Labels: Crapology
Close call: Whalers fail at IWC!
Sorry to those who aren't interested about the whales...but here's the second part of my post:
Happy Birthday Chepah!!!
we hardly see you around, but hope that you are in the best of health and state of being. wish you all things wonderful on your birthday...god bless.
thanks for being a great friend!
-lotsa best wishes from kryptiq-
when u want to belanja us? ;)
Labels: Crapology
In this episode, Dr. Susan Lindquist is the guest speaker. From
Dr. Susan Lindquist is a Member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Sciences at MIT. Her discoveries in protein folding have lead to paradigm shifts in modern genetics and medicine, including how a protein called HSP90 acts as a capacitor modulate evolution, a process that can even be addressed pharmacologically and possibly used as a strategy in some forms of cancer. Her work also contributes to both our understanding of several protein folding diseases such as Parkinson's and Huntington's and seeks to tackle them head on. Lastly, we discussed her discovery on how to transform yeast prions (similar to the misfolded proteins linked to mad cow disease) into nanowires as used in nanotechnology.
Labels: Science
Some people question me why i am against some things. when i explain it to them, they laugh at my face. say i am stupid or dumb or whatever. i don't really care what people think of me. anyways, before i get carried away, i just wanted to share an article from greenpeace.
sorry to those who dislike my anti-tuna, save the whales, or even my go-screw-kfc campaigns...but this is what i really care about. and i do hope that there will be more people who will realize the destruction we are causing, and work to stop it before it keeps getting worse. :(
(picture from Greenpeace)
Labels: Crapology
Labels: Videos
A common chemical process may explain a bizarre property of water that has been a mystery since the time of Aristotle ¨C how hot water can freeze more quickly than cold.
This strange and counterintuitive effect was first observed by the ancient Greek philosopher and was made famous in recent times by a Tanzanian school student called Erasto Mpemba. He noticed that the sugared milk he was using to make ice cream froze more quickly if it started out hot. But what is behind the so-called "Mpemba effect"?
According to Jonathan Katz of the University of Washington at St Louis, it's all to do with solutes. "You have to ask yourself: what does heating do to water that makes it easier to freeze?" he says. "The answer is that it precipitates out solutes."
The solutes Katz has in mind are calcium and magnesium bicarbonate, which make most drinking water "hard". When the water is heated, these precipitate out to form the solid scale that "furs" up the inside of a kettle.
Water that has never been heated still contains these solutes. As it freezes, ice crystals form, and the concentration of solutes in the remaining water becomes ever higher up to 50 times as high as normal. This lowers the freezing point of the water, just like salt sprinkled on a road in winter. "The water therefore has to cool further before it freezes," says Katz. [...]
Read more here.
Labels: Science
I was having a bit trouble with my,i turn to google hoping i can find some's one highly "informative" website that really helped me.
...."PCR trouble shooting, help, suggestions and advice
If your PCR amplification somehow performs unexpectedly, it is usually caused by one of the listed possible errors - ranked by frequency.
Be patient and follow a standard scheme when setting up your reactions.
Avoid short-cuts, and be sure to always wear protective gloves (protects your DNA from degrading DNases and foreign DNA).
Hypotheses in order of frequency:
A. Pilot error hypothesis
B. Template dilution hypothesis
C. Temperature errors hypothesis
D. Unique template hypothesis
E. Buffer problems hypothesis
F. Bad dNTPs hypothesis
G. Bad primers hypothesis
H. Bad enzyme hypothesis
I. Bad karma hypothesis
This is basically the "God is punishing you" hypothesis. It sometimes gains a great deal of favor.
- i) All rational explanations have been exhausted and yet PCR still is not working for you.
- ii) Persistent feelings of guilt (if you are a Catholic, this symptom could be misleading).
Tests and solutions:
- i) Try bungee jumping. If you survive, God must not be too hacked-off at you.
- ii) Atone for your sins and start over at the top of the flow chart. ".......
Final verdict for me: BAD KARMA....
Labels: Crapology
~Thank u~
just want to thank MoZF, pirate and ikanrerama who took the time and effort to make my sampling a success yesterday! really appreciate all of your help and hardwork. couldn't have done it without u!
cheers to u, my dear friends.
Labels: Crapology
The sidebar has been cleared of clutter too, keeping this simple and easy to navigate through the site. No more "Email To" functions for those who are paranoid. ;) They say green is good for the eyes and calming the nerves but I think blue helps us to destress better (which we need more than anything!) and represents us very well (we do work with fish, no?).
So, introducing a more simplified and eye-candied look for this site. Hope you like it.
Oh by the's called Nautica. :)
Labels: Crapology
heard that some of you will present their research in this event...selamat berjaya!!!
more info :
Labels: Crapology
COLUMBUS , Ohio - Researchers here have learned how a derivative of vitamin E causes the death of cancer cells. The researchers then used that knowledge to make the agent an even more potent cancer killer.
The compound, called vitamin E succinate, or alpha tocopheryl succinate, is taken by some people as a nutritional supplement, mainly for its antioxidant properties. In addition, it has a weak ability to kill cancer cells, and it has been tested as a cancer chemopreventive agent.
The substance kills cancer cells by causing them to undergo a natural process known as programmed cell death, or apoptosis. Until now, no one knew how the agent caused this to happen. [...]
Labels: Science
Is that cool or what? Didn't think there was anything special about that? Wondered what was the "voyeurish" guy doing standing there on the left? Well, visit Nikewomen and under 02. The Moves, select Rockstar Workout. Watch the videos and you'll see the truth behind the video above. Pure genius!!!
By the way, where's the Lab 407 version?!? ;)
Oh, and may I add....SOS, please someone help me!!! Is she hot or what? HANGAT!!! I guess Beyonce now have to share the space in my heart with someone else.... ;)

Labels: Videos
today's the first time i witnessed first hand how a catfish was killed. i've read the term 'killed by blow to the head' many times in journals...but i have never ever seen it before and i have never given it much thought either.
it did shock and scare me seeing the fish being knocked on the head with a hammer. but i guess it's quite normal to some of u guys! ;)
Labels: Crapology
Everyone who has even thought about exercising has heard the warnings about lactic acid. It builds up in your muscles. It is what makes your muscles burn. Its buildup is what makes your muscles tire and give out. [...]
The notion that lactic acid was bad took hold more than a century ago, said George A. Brooks, a professor in the department of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley. It stuck because it seemed to make so much sense.
"It's one of the classic mistakes in the history of science," Dr. Brooks said. [...]
Labels: Science
looks like we are saying goodbye to a number of people lately :(
i hate goodbyes. things won't be the same anymore.
to those who are moving on to a new phase in their lives, i wanna wish u all the best...remember to come visit us if u have the time...
who's going, going, gone?
chepah, helleri, amdist, emi...anyone else joining them? :(
even though we won't be seeing each other, our friendship still will remain. cheers to all of ya.
a special dedication to my benchmate: we will be losing the best technician/joker/F1 driver/champion eater/pipe fixer/hole driller/heavy weight lifter/rubbish talker/dear friend/orang gila...looks like i have to put up an ad to ask someone to fill in your position(s). where am i going to find a champion like u? who's going to finish up my maggi mee and french fries during lunch? boohoo...i feel very depressed already... :(
(but if we lose him, would we gain back some peace and quiet in our lab? hmm...i doubt it. MoZF's still around...!)
Labels: Crapology
Many happy returns of the day! We know you've been through a lot this pass year but remember that your friends are always here for you.
Glad to have u as an addition into our crazy gang...!
Cheers and wonderful wishes to fill your day.
Happy birthday! :)
Labels: Crapology
yesterday is a sad day indeed for all neighbouring allies of room142...the honorable prof.emeritus shit lady has officially moved out from her humble(huh?)abode with fond farewells...below were some scenes of her honorable's "packing skills"...(and we wonder how ppl last time move around withOUT those fancy luggages and trolley bags)..hehe...
so...sayonara shit lady....we will miss you and ur craps.....sobsob....huhuhu....
Labels: Crapology
Labels: Crapology
had a really fun day!
i love it when i get to laugh out loud. it makes me feel really good inside. it's amazing how i have met people who happen to share the same kind of thoughts as me. hang on. let me rephrase that. it's amazing that i have met people who actually still want to be friends with me after knowing how twisted my mind is!
well, as i always say, i think things happen for a reason. my friends are really fun to be with. especially when we get carried away talking about some crappy thing. it's great. i love to laugh. there has never been a lack of laughs even though our lives have been really stressed out with work and our boss...ahem. there's always some crazy thing to keep us laughing. we usually have the hot topic of the day/week/month/season. there was once we were charged on with the star wars spirit. hmm, i better not talk about that, i might get carried into a galaxy far far away...there's no way of getting me back fast.
sigh. sometimes i stop to think that how long this will last. we shared a lot of happy moments and sad ones together. if u are pissed, there is always another who will help u to calm down. when u are sad, there is always someone to listen to your cries. u need physical help? no need to ask, consider it done. in times like these, i stop to thank god that i have supportive friends by my side, always making me laugh. laughter, i think that's the best fuel to keep me moving on.
thanks guys. cheers :)
*wondering how many of u are still reading this's been rather quiet and lonely here...
Labels: Crapology
after soooooo loooong....the server is up and running again...
oh,the agony of unable to access usm server.summore b4 dat my boss asked to download 20++ online books.gilaa...
i suspect it's the undergrad dongkois who plug their "unprotected" laptops to our server,but...cannot prove wan....isk...after this must bar them from doing it again.
rejoice everyone,rejoice!!!let's online sampai gila...harhar....
Labels: Crapology
If you look at this picture very carefully, you can notice that Black ones are shadows, white ones are the real camels. Just thought it was a pretty cool shot :)
Labels: Crapology
i mean the blog...
kudos for kshern for reinventing the whole look for
it deserves more than a mere post at the comment place.
nice header.kryptiq,good art will be appreciated like good songs,good food and good-looking guys...hehe.
Labels: Crapology
alas...their days are numbered.the biawaks hopelessly look on as the humans pack up and leave.there goes the tanks,there goes the discus,there goes the tilapias,there goes food....
the building was in ruins.doors hanging on hinges and windows shattered.the once beautiful place they called home was now completely deserted by the humans.what has become of them?have they forgotten the place where they toiled and sweat?
the biawaks shook their heads easy of them to erase this place from their minds.the biawaks still remembered the days when this building is at its glory.humans come and go even at the oddest hours.their laughter,the sound of music from some old radio,the occasional shrieks when the humans chanced upon snakes or leeches,and also the curses they muttered when the mosquitoes became too unbearable.oh,and sometimes the biawaks liked to play tag with the just made their day if the humans joined the fun.
today,a group of humans with big machines came,oblivious to the biawaks presence.methodically,they started to tear the old buildings down."Noooooooooo.....",the biawaks screamed.but the roaring machines and the collapsing walls drowned their no time,all that was left were rubbles and a few wood pillars standing.
shocked and traumatized,the biawaks retreated to the shady compound of the pharmacy school.they crawled past a group of white-coated humans that were eyeing them with interest.but the biawaks juz don't tore their hearts to see their home destroyed mercilessly.suddenly all hell break loose.the biawaks felt their tails pulled,bodies being dragged,and in the few seconds before the world turned black,all the biawaks can think of was the old fishouse...their home.....
the human was busy changing the tanks''s nearly 8pm.damn it,the human thought,i should have done this after lunch.but the friend's stories were juz too interesting to miss.summore,the human was told that it was "live telecast",with no repeats.the human was aware that the new fishouse complex was already empty.the others had gone rest,to bath and to sleep.
the sound of the side door opening startled the human.must be one of the dongkois came back becoz they left something,the human was pitch dark out side and the human squinted to make out who was it standing and staring....
Labels: Crapology
I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I musn't give in
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin
Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale cold smell of morning
The streetlamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning
Touch me
It's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me
You'll understand what happiness is
A new day has begun
(part of song: Memory, Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Trevor Nunn, based on poems by T.S. Eliot)
~our old fish houses are history, a distant memory... don't u miss the old place? filled with water monitors, mozzies, leaky roofs, the occasional snakes, leeches and a whole ecosystem of deadly insects...well, maybe exaggerated a bit, but hey, u get the picture! now most of it is gone...flattened to the ground...
but the new place isn't too bad, right? we must move on with the times...(amdist's advice). cheers to the new aquaculture research complex! although it lacks in the host of interesting makes up for least it has a toilet in the building! within reach. no need to run across the street to pee... ;)
Labels: Crapology
Want to live longer? Want a healthier life? How do you achieve them? Be nasty!!!
Taken from The Sydney Morning Herald:
People who smile a lot and say "have a nice day" are headed to an early grave while the grumpy stay fit.[Continue reading the article]
Researchers at a German university - a land where surliness is an Olympic discipline -say enforced jolliness on the job is much more likely to make people fall ill.
They cite flight attendants, sales personnel, call centre operators, waiters and others in contact with the public for extended periods of time as being at risk of seriously harming their health.
Psychologists at Frankfurt University said the fake friendliness led to depression, stress and a lowering of the immune system itself, which in turn can trigger more serious ailments.
"Every time a person is forced to repress his true feelings there are negative consequences for his health," said Professor Dieter Zapf, a researcher into human emotions.
Labels: Self Improvement
ahoy mateys!!!
aye!yer pirate of the viridian ocean have seen many suns and sailed thru the seven seas....
if yer be wondering how old is he,avast!yer have been warned,be very cautious or be verrry discrrrreet...
Labels: Crapology
ever dreamt of travelling the world? going places, trying new things, meeting people, finding adventure, and the likes..?
well, let me tell u a-not-so-secret. i wish i could do that. anyways, i wish to realize my dream bit by bit. going to one place at a time. maybe once a this will give me time to save up some cash to support this darned yearning of mine.
but, axn has screwed and toyed with my mind...
i am a huge sucker for 'the amazing race'...have been watching it ever since it started ages ago. i never got bored (yet!) like what happened to my liking of survivor (now i don't give a damn to who's surviving and who isn't...). they have come up with Amazing race asia. coolness, no? [well...maybe not to everyone...]
i went to check out the requirements...hmmm...heartbreaking...
i can't drive well. i can't find a team mate(hint, hint...anyone?come on...u can win cash...), i don't think i can take 30-40 days holiday from my research...(my boss had a hard time letting me take a 10 day break! what to expect him to say if i do get thru?30 days? he'd freak!)
all my dreams come crashing down. looks like i have to save my money bit by bit to see the world like everyone else...
not so amazing after all.
[Some extra info if u are interested...]
Labels: Crapology
Labels: Self Improvement
thanx a lot guys for attending rerama's "surprise birthday bash"...really appreciate ur presence there...thanx for the wishes,gifts,ice-cream (thanx kshern!)
heavy-duty gratitude to my labmates yang disayangi (i know u care...hehe...) who took the trouble making today soooo special...
mozf,kryptiq,vani,pirate,helleri,amdist...apek too......kau memang da bomb...
Labels: Crapology
we have cut down the playtime choices to the following 4 activities. please make your choice by the 15th of March 2006 to facilitate planning. we'll decide the time later. thanks.
Labels: Crapology
need a break from the mundane work you are doing? need something to brighten your day? need something to wake up your brain cells? try this game then. It's bound to stimulate your brain cells. Works best with speakers on.
Labels: Jokes
Hmmm....I'm so glad I gave up drinking soft drinks a long time ago. From Times Online:
TRACES of a carcinogenic chemical have been found in soft drinks at eight times the level permitted in drinking water, it was revealed last night.
Tests conducted on 230 drinks on sale in Britain and France have identified high levels of benzene, a compound known to cause cancer, according to the Food Standards Agency. There is a legal limit of one part per billion of benzene in British drinking water. The latest tests revealed levels of up to eight parts per billion in some soft drinks.
Benzene has been linked to leukaemia and other cancers of the blood. Traces found in Perrier water 15 years ago led to the withdrawal of more than 160 million bottles worldwide. The disclosure has prompted food safety campaigners to demand that the Government reveal which products contain benzene. At present, the drinks' identities have not been revealed.
Labels: Science
do you guys still remember about playtime? it's march what's the plan? the president prof. emeritus shit lady just convened a meeting with us lowly subjects and managed to come up with a tentative thingy.
since we have to cater to our respected president's schedule *ahem*, we've come to a date which is suitable for her - 11th of March 2006. time? afternoon lo...she's free after 3pm. place? dunno yet lo. so now we have to decide lo.
some suggestions:
- pulau jerjak (general_visitor)
- pantai kerachut (kryptiq)
- pantai acheh (khalidah)
- spice garden (finie)
- bukit hijau (finie)
- penang hill (kryptiq)
- batu ferrenghi (kryptiq)
- watch movie (kryptiq)
as your designated treasurer, i suggest we do something that does not or hardly cost anything due to circumstances such as the recent petrol price hike. feel free to suggest some ideas or just place your votes on those that are already listed above. :)
Labels: Crapology
is equal to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
then, hardwork =
H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K =
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% only
love =
L+O+V+E =
12+15+22+5 = 54% only
luck =
L+U+C+K =
12+21+3+11 = 47% only
(don't most of us think this is very
then what makes 100%?? Is it
money? ..... no
leadership? ...... no
fame? ..... no
every problem has a solution... perhaps
only if we change our attitude... to
go to the top, to that 100%.
what we really need to go further, a
bit more....... is
attitude =
A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E =
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
So, it is our attitude towards life that makes our life
100%... =)
*many don't realise this, sadly, till it's too late*
Labels: Jokes
sebelum 1990 - RM 0.89
Tahun 1990 - RM 1.10 (kenaikan RM 0.21)
01/10/2000 - RM 1.20 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
20/10/2001 - RM 1.30 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
01/05/2002 - RM 1.32 (kenaikan RM 0.02)
31/10/2002 - RM 1.33 (kenaikan RM 0.01)
01/03/2003 - RM 1.35 (kenaikan RM 0.02)
01/05/2004 - RM 1.37 (kenaikan RM 0.02)
01/10/2004 - RM 1.42 (kenaikan RM 0.05)
05/05/2005 - RM 1.52 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
31/07/2005 - RM 1.62 (kenaikan RM 0.10)
Hari ini: 28/02/2006 – RM 1.92 (kenaikan RM 0.30)
correct me if i wrong
Labels: Crapology
yes, folks...our movements at the new fish house are being monitored by two spanking new cctv cameras. not only is the picture damn clear, it is also time-stamped! so ppl, remember to smile when you look at the cameras!!! big brother is watching! :)
Labels: Crapology
how can a person be so missed when he/she is not around?
how can a person be so forgotten when he/she is there beside you?
familiarity breeds contempt? OR
absence makes the heart grew fonder?
hmmm.....which category are you?which category am i?
guess it depends on who you are to an individual...
Labels: Crapology
All this is from my old-data..gonna delete might as well share with you guys.
Hope it will lighten up day (a bit at least)
Labels: Jokes
Dear Tech Support:
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed that the new program began making unexpected changes to the accounting modules,limiting access to flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition,Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.9 but installed undesirable programs such as Cricket 5.0 and Formula 13.0.Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
Dear Desperate,
Keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.Try to enter the command: C:/ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME ; and install Tears 6.2. Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications: Guilty 3.0 and Flowers 7.0. But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to GrumpySilence 2.5,HappyHour 7.0 or Beer 6.1.Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will create Snoring Loudly wave files.DO NOT install MotherInLaw 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.Consider buying additional software to improve performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 5.3. Also, running Nagging 5.3 too often can sometimes cause Husband 1.0 to secretly install Mistress 1.0, which would then require you to run Private Investigator 7.5 utility and possibly even Attorney 9.0, which could lead to a system wide failure and the need to reboot Husband 1.0.
Everybody clear on this now?
--Tech support.
Upgrading to Wife 1.0
Last a friend of mine upgraded from Girlfriend 4.0 to Wife 1.0 and found that it's memory hog leaving few system resources for other applications. He is now noticing the Wife 1.0 is also spawning Child-processes, which is further consuming valuable resources. No mention of this particular phenomenon was included in the product documentation, though other users have informed me that this is to be expected due to the nature of the application.
Not only that, Wife 1.0 installs itself so that it is always launched at system initialisation where it can monitor all other system activity. Some applications such as PokerNight 10.3, BachelorParty 2.5 and PubNight 7.0 are no longer able to run on the system at all, causing the system to lockup when launched (even though the apps worked fine before).Wife 1.0 provides no installation options. Thus, the installation of undesired plug-ins such as Mother-in-law 55.8 and the Brother-in-law Beta is unavoidable. Also system performance seems to diminish each passing day.Some features my friend would like to see in the upcoming Wife 2.0:
? A "don't remind me again button"
? Minimise button
? The ability to delete the "headache" file
? An install feature that provides an option to uninstall 2.0 version without loss of other system resources
An option to run the network driver in "promiscuous mode" allowing the systems hardware probe to be much more useful/effective.
I myself wish I had decided to avoid all of the headaches associated with Wife 1.0 by sticking with Girlfriend 3.0. Even here, however, I have found many problems. Apparently you cannot install Girlfriend 4.0. You must uninstall Girlfriend 3.0 first, otherwise the two versions of Girlfriend will have conflicts over shared use of the I/O port.Other users have told me that this is a long-standing problem that I should have been aware of. Guess that explains what happened to versions 1 & 2.To make matters worse, the uninstall program for Girlfriend 3.0 doesn't work very well, leaving undesirable traces of the application in the system. Another identified problem is that all versions of Girlfriend have annoying little messages about the advantages of upgrading to Wife 1.0.
All users should be aware that Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0 will delete MS Money files before doing the uninstall itself. Once that happens, Mistress 1.1. won't install and you will get an "insufficient resources" error message. To avoid the aforementioned bug, try installing Mistress 1.1 on a different system and 'never' run any file transfer applications (such as Laplink) between the two systems.
Labels: Jokes
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
Any married man should forget his mistakes, there's no use in two people remembering the same thing.
Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed. Women somehow deteriorate during the night.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
There are 2 times when a man doesn't understand a woman - before marriage and after marriage.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."
They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Labels: Jokes
Uncle Ho Holdings, Malaysia's largest manufacturer, distributor and retailer of quality pirated and bootleg VCDs, DVDs, Audio CDs, CD-ROMS seeks suitable candidates for our rapidly expanding organisation.
From our humble beginnings in Petaling Street in 1998, we are currently operating more than 68,000 outlets in the Klang Valley & Johor Baru. We have managed to secure at least 4 stalls outside every convenience shop, 8 stalls outside every coffee shop and 50 stalls at every pasar malam. We're expanding into every housing and commercial areas, making us the biggest outdoor retailing company in the world with over 16 million discs sold daily.
Our high-tech multi million ringgit manufacturing facilities are now operated on ships anchored in international waters to circumvent local copyright laws. We are gearing for an IPO(Initial Public Offering) and are in the process of applying for MSC status as Malaysia's largest multimedia company.
Be a Franchisee
We offer exciting and profitable franchising opportunities for
retrenched workers, unemployed individuals and ex-convicts.
* Set-up cost is a low RM500, including an inventory of 150 titles, portable iron stands, plywood and red table cloth.
* As the franchisor, we'll provide you with protection against local gangsters, unsatisfied customers, enforcement officers and post bail if required. All confiscated items are our responsibilty and will be returned to you within 2 working days.
* You will be rotated with other resellers from nearby areas to reduce the rate of return or exchange for defective copies.
* For an additional investment of RM1200, a battered 25-year-old car will be provided as a mobile store.
* As part of the Uncle Ho Network, you'll be provided with access to VIEWS(tm)(VCD Inspectors Early Warning System). By placing well trained informers in every enforcement agencies, we're able to eliminate the 'surprise element'.
* While we take every precaution to warn you of impending raids, we highly recommend the purchase of an unlicensed walkie talkie. You'll be able to network with other franchisees through the wireless system and receive additional news and warnings. As the largest purchaser of Motorola GP300 Walkie Talkies, we're also able to supply you units at very attractive prices.
Our Mission Statement
* To provide Malaysian youths with employment and a stable source of income.
* To help promote Malaysia as the top regional technology and
multimedia hub in the true spirit of 'Malaysia Boleh'.
* To make available in Malaysia the latest blockbuster 30 days before its international release.
* To fight American hegemony by reducing the profits of Hollywood studios and Bill Gates.
* To place a stall every 25 feet on every five foot ways throughout Malaysia.
* To reduce the rate of defective discs to 25%.
* To send every VHS player into early retirement and to achieve total extinction of the format by by 2004.
Join Us Full Time (Vacancies Available KL/PJ/Cyberjaya)
Reseller (26,000 positions, Nationwide)
Job Description: Operate mobile five foot way stalls.
Requirements: Preferably males aged 16 - 22 with blond hair.
Possession of own waist pouch to store X-Rated titles will be an added advantage.
Benefits: Flexi-hours and additional one 'day off' each year during major annual operasi.
Graphic Artist (3 positions, Cyberjaya)
Job Description: Design covers/inlays for movie titles. Copy latest movie listings from IMDB's website.
Requirements: Very rudimentary knowledge of Photoshop. Ability to design blockbuster-looking or porno-looking covers for mediocre movies will be an added advantage.
Benefits: Free 10 copies of (pirated) software programs every month.
Camera Operator (15 positions, Klang Valley)
Job Description: Capture movies being screened in cinemas without being noticed.
Requirements: Ability to operate camcorder. Good knowledge of seating positions in major cineplexes so as to capture entire screen without tilt or distortion. Ability to hold your cough for 90 minutes and munch popcorn silently is an added advantage.
Benefits: Free popcorn and movie passes every month.
Purchasing Officer (1 position, Cyberjaya)
Job Description: To buy back consficated items at a reasonable price.
Requirements: Preferably Malays. Good negotiation skills. Ex-
employees of city and town councils are encouraged to apply.
Benefits: Easy settling of parking summons and other fines.
Please send your resume to:
The Group Human Resource Manager.
Syarikat Kumpulan Uncle Ho VCD, DVD, CD, CD-ROM Holdings & Group Of Companies (Malaysia) (1998) Sdn Bhd.
E-Mail: carikerja_uncleho@m...
Community Service / News / Promotions
* As a responsible corporate citizen, we provide free Video-to-VCD conversion for all MAS cabin crew, subject to subject in video.
* We offer big discounts on (un-sellable) art house films and award-winning Iranian movies as a way of promoting quality films to the masses.
* Mother's Day Special - Special pack of 10 movies to watch with your mother non-stop this Sunday. Guaranteed no sex scenes. Promotional price: RM 30
* New stalls opening in front of KLIA Main Terminal Building this June & in Taman Negara this July.
Labels: Jokes
To get the full effect, this should be read aloud. You will understand what
'tenjewberrymuds' means by the end of the conversation. This has been
nominated for the best email of 2005.
The following is a telephone exchange between a hotel guest and
room-service,at a hotel in Asia, which was recorded and published in the Far East
Economic Review:
Room Service (RS): "Morrin. Roon sirbees."
Guest (G): "Sorry, I thought I dialed room-service."
RS: "Rye..Roon sirbees..morrin! Jewish to oddor sunteen??"
G: "Uh..yes..I'd like some bacon and eggs."
RS: "Ow July den?"
G: "What??"
RS: "Ow July den?...pryed, boyud, poochd?"
G : "Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, scrambled please."
RS: "Ow July dee baykem? Crease?"
G: "Crisp will be fine."
RS : "Hokay. An Sahn toes?"
G: "What?"
RS:"An toes. July Sahn toes?"
G: "I don't think so."
RS: "No? Judo wan sahn toes??"
G: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo wan sahn toes' means."
RS: "Toes! toes!...Why jew don juan toes? Ow bow Anglish moppin we bodder?"
G: "English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine. Yes, an English muffin will be fine."
RS: "We bodder?"
G: "No...just put the bodder on the side."
RS: "Wad?"
G: "I mean butter...just put it on the side."
RS: "Copy?"
G: "Excuse me?"
RS: "Copy...tea...meel?"
G: "Yes. Coffee, please, and that's all."
RS: "One Minnie. Scramah egg, crease baykem, Anglish moppin we bodder on sigh and copy....rye??"
G: "Whatever you say."
RS: "Tenjewberrymuds."
G : "You're very welcome."
Labels: Jokes
hey guys....seems like everyone is not around,missing in action or simply cannot be located...
of course....our shit lady's not here.keje rajin2 yer.kryptiq went jalan2 to bangkok.fini&emi went to sabah.amdist&helleri understandably has to write their thesis so their presence is not a must in lab.pirate zoom off to kl wif our boss today.general,i alwiz saw him in fishouse.kshern i know is around (must be working very hard giving those tuition classes).i saw glimpses of WY here and there.MoZF is the only person i can confidently say i'll see everyday. i said,it's disturbingly peaceful......
Labels: Crapology
Have a complex decision that is making your head hurt so much and keeping you up? Here's the solution - GO TO BED!
From New Scientist:
Complex decisions are best left to your unconscious mind to work out, according to a new study, and over-thinking a problem could lead to expensive mistakes.
The research suggests the conscious mind should be trusted only with simple decisions, such as selecting a brand of oven glove. Sleeping on a big decision, such as buying a car or house, is more likely to produce a result people remain happy with than consciously weighing up the pros and cons of the problem, the researchers say.
Thinking hard about a complex decision that rests on multiple factors appears to bamboozle the conscious mind so that people only consider a subset of information, which they weight inappropriately, resulting in an unsatisfactory choice. In contrast, the unconscious mind appears able to ponder over all the information and produce a decision that most people remain satisfied with. [...]
Labels: Self Improvement
Received through email (English version found below):
Kita membesar dgn menonton G-Force, He-man, Transformers,
Thundercats, Silver Hawk, Woody Woodpecker, Chipmunks and Mickey
Mouse. Not to forget Ninja Turtles, Mask, Smurfs dan Voltron (hiii
aku suke.. rindu laaa cite2 ni... kekeke).
Berus gigi time waktu rehat kat skolah rendah?...hmm, mesti pegang
cawan warna-warni kan. mencangkung kat tepi parit dgn classmates
semua kat seblah...
Ingat tak, misi kat skolah masuk kelas dgn list dentist appointment.
pastu bunyi gigi member kite kene gerudi kat bilik sebelah. ada gigi
yang berlubang, kene laa tampal.
Ni sure korang igt...program minum susu di skolah. nak galakkan
budak2 time tuh minum susu. sekotak 30 sen jek beb...
Cikgu2 kalau nak denda, mesti guna pembaris panjang warna kuning tu.
pukul tapak tangan...kan?
Semangkuk mi sup ke, mihun sup ke, 30 sen jek kat kantin.
Hankyu Jaya, Yaohan - shopping complex yang popular utk meluangkan
masa dgn family. ni for those yg dok KL laa
Time skolah menengah, korang sure beli kasut skolah Bata BM Turbo
atau Pallas Jazz. ada yang suka kasut high-cut yang buatan china
tu...ada yang suka stoking tebal laaa... (hahahahah.. aku suke!)
Internet? email? mendalah ape tu?
CD? ape tu? kaset tape penah laa dgr. tiket wayang pun 5 inggit je.
(baru nak merangkak kenal internet beb... kekekek syiok..
Kite pegi kedai runcit, beli Chickerdis, Mamee , Kum Kum, UFO, O-Ya,
Ding Dang chocolate balls yang ada mainan kat dlm die, 'telur' keras
warna warni, 'rokok' chewing gum, KIKI Bubble Gum.
Tak dilupakan, 'Ti Kam'.
Bile dah abih exam, main Monopoly la, Donkey la, Happy Family laa dlm class.
Tapi bunyi loceng laa yang paling best skali. boleh beli aiskrim
ngan apek kat luar skola tuh...
Lagi satu loceng masa nak pegi rehat. tinggal kan keje skolah, jom
kita pegi makan. budak2 yg dpt Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT) mesti
kluar awal.
Lagi satu yang seronok mase time Pendidikan Jasmani, PJ. main bola
laa, rounders laa...
Permainan kegemaran, main guli, batu seremban, penutup botol, batang
aiskrim, 'Pepsi Cola one-two-three', 'Police & Sentry', kejar2
Kita hilangkan dahaga dgn aiskrim 10 sen. yang tube aiskrim, ada
byk2 color tu. kalau nak makan, kene patahkan kat tengah2 die!
Lipat kertas kecik2, pastuh buat lastik. pun kita main dulu
ni. baling2 kapur laa.
hmm...budak2 kat university skarang, kebanyakan nye lahir thn
1987/88. skarang digelar 'remaja'. Bagi diorg, diorg mane penah dgr
lagu 'We Are the World, We Are the Children...' dan lagu 'Uptown
Girl' yang diorg tau, yg Westlife nyanyi....bkn Billy Joel nyanyi...
bagi diorg, ada satu je Jerman kat dunia ni, dan ade satu je
AIDS wujud sejak diorg lahir.
CD pun wujud time diorg lahir.
Michael Jackson dah putih dah time tu.
Diorg percaya Spiderman dgn Incredible Hulk tu filem2 baru.
Diorg tak bley bayangkan skrin hitam putih utk sebuah komputer.
Diorg tak penah tau pun 'Atari' dgn 'Game & Watch'.
Diorg tak percaya penah ada TV hitam putih...dan diorg skarang tak
reti nak switch on TV kalau xde remote control.
dan diorg tak paham macam mane kite boleh survive dkt universiti
tanpa handphone...
hmm...jom kite check, kite ni dah tua ke:
1. korg paham ape yang korang baca kat atas ni, dan korg sure tersenyum
2. kebanyakan member2 skolah menengah kite dah kawin
3. korg sure pelik bile nengok bdak2 kecik main komputer, selamba je
4. kita geleng kepala bile nengok bdak2 skolah menengah guna handphone
5. kita dah tak byk sembang2 dgn member melalui telefon lagi setiap hari
6. bile jumpe member lame dari semasa ke semasa, seronok bile
bersembang pasal cerite2 lame, cerite2 kelakar yang kite alami mase
dulu time kecik2, nakal2 dulu...
7. last skali, bile dah bace email ni, korang akan terpikir utk
forwardkan dkt member2 lame korg. Sure diorg suke punye laa...hehehe
Yaa, kite pun dah semakin tua!!. Teringat zaman2 dulu kan?. Cheers
to the 80s babies!!!! :)~~
English version
Signs that you are a 80s' baby:
You grew up watching G-Force, He-man, Transformers, Thundercats, Silver
Hawk, Woody Woodpecker, Chipmunks and Mickey Mouse. Not to forget Ninja
Turtles, Mask, Smurfs and Voltron too.
Girls watched Japanese cartoon like My Little Pony, "Xiao Tian Tian",
"Hua Xian Zi" etc.
You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in primary school after
recess time.
You squatted by a drain with all your classmates beside you, and brushed
your teeth with a colo urful mug.
Remember the days when the school nurse, comes with a list for the !
dentist appointment, the sound of the drilling when your friend has a
fill in his tooth.
You remember the packets of milk we get in primary school to encourage
us to drink more milk. (It is only cost 30 cent per pack)
In secondary school, girls go to the library to borrow their favourite
romance storybook.
In secondary school, girls altered their school skirt to shorten it and
guys will go to the school appointed school uniform tailor shop to
tailor make their school trousers to the then fashionable "baggy pants"!
During primary school days, the teacher will punish you using a ruler to
hit your palm.
A bowl of noodles soup cost only 30cent in primary school days.
When you were in primary school, girls like to go to the bookshop to buy
cute stuff such as animal erasers, various shape sharpeners, colourful
notebook etc.
Hankyu Jaya, Yaohan departmental stores used to be a favourite hangout
for families dur! ing weekends.
In secondary school days, you buy the Bata BM Turbo or Pallas Jazz
school shoes.
Some guys like to wear those china made ankle high shoes.
Some even like to wear those very thick socks with their school shoes.
Internet? E-mail? What the hell is that?
So you thought a decade or more ago, your friends don't have pagers or
handphones in school.
CDs? What's that? Cassette tapes were the norm. Movie tickets used to
cost less than $5 last time.
The goodies from Mama shop used to be Chickerdis, Mamee , Kum Kum, UFO,
O-Ya, Ding Dang chocolate balls with toys in the box, colourful hard
"egg", "cigerette" bubble gum, KIKI Bubble Gum, pink bottle of bubbles
c/w a small tubes with yellow sticks to blow "more lasting" bubbles that
you can pop more air in or slam it on.
You never forget 'Ti Kam'.
When exams are over, the board games (e.g Monopoly, Donkey,
Transportation Comparison Card) & held ! video games will be all over
the class room.
Your favourite sound is the bell!
For it's the homemade ice cream man. The cream that tops Haagan Dazs!
And the other peddler you love is the old lady who sells juicy Muah Chee
and thick olden syrup rolled in a balloon the tip of a chopstick stick.
Another bell is the recess bell, a time to get away from school work and
to eat.
Another time when there is no bell but all guys will anxiously wait for
it...The PJ (Pendidikan Jasmani), PE time (time for football)
Your favourite childhood games were playing "gu li"(marbles), five
stones, five bottle cover, zero-point, catching, "Pepsi-Cola one two
three" and/or "Police & Sentry"!
The best thirst quencher of all times is the yummy colourful ice tubes
you can buy from provision shops for only 10 cent. To eat them, break
the tab and suck while holding the freezing tube!
All gals have a girl doll/strawberry shortcake/my little pony/pound
puppy, while all boys have a soldiers figurine (combat) or a rubber band
catapult that shoots folded paper!
Once was the era whereby ice-cream sticks were valueable items, then
came the paper aircrafts, chalk fights.
Some boys made their own guns from wood, and used 'Bacali' as the
Some even used matches to shoot and burn kids'lanterns during MoonCake
And your favourite holiday was Lunar New Year! New clothes, Ang Pows,
shopping, junk food and family outings!
Let's see, the majority of students in universities today were born in
1987 / 88.... They are called "youth".
For them, they have never heard of the song "We are the World, we are
the Children..." And the "Uptown Girl" they know is by 'West Life'
but not 'Billy Joel'.
For them, there have always been only one Germany and only one Vietnam.
AIDS exists since they were born.
CD exists since they were born.
Michael Jackson is already whitened.
John Travolta is always round in shape and they can't imagine how this
fat guy could be a god of dance.
They believe that Spiderman and Incredible Hulk are just new films.
They can never imagine a black and white screen for a computer.
They never know what is Atari or 'Game & Watch'.
They can't believe a black and white television ever existed and they
don't even know how to switch on a TV without a remote control.
And they never understand how we can go out without a mobile phone when
we were in university...
Let's check if we're getting old...
1. You understand what was written above and you smile.
2. Most of your secondary school friends are getting married.
3. You are always surprised to see small children playing comfortably
with computer.
4. When you see teenagers with mobile phones, you shake your head.
5. You spend less and less time talking on phone with your friends
6. When you meet your old friends from time to time, talking about the
good old days, repeating again and again all funny stories you
experienced together.
7. Lastly, having read this mail, you are thinking of forwarding it to
some other old friends. You think they will like it too.....
Hahaha!.... Yes! We are getting old too...........
Brings back old memories huh?
Cheers to the 80s babies!!!
Labels: Jokes